When Talk Therapy Isn’t Enough
Most therapy techniques are focused on developing a strong relationship between client and therapist, and talking through problems and concerns. While both elements are important aspects of therapy, they often aren’t enough for people who have experienced trauma. Trauma doesn’t just happen to our thoughts, it happens to our bodies. It happens to our brains. It causes an emotional experience that cannot be fully articulated in words, so words aren’t enough to treat it. That’s why many trauma-specific therapies go beyond traditional talk therapy and use movement and other techniques to access the non-verbal elements of trauma and promote full mind-body healing.
At Mindful Psychology, we understand how traumatic experiences leave a lasting impact on a person’s view of themself and the world around them. When those events aren’t fully processed, they leave a lasting “emotional charge.” Nothing will ever erase a traumatic event or make it less awful to have happened, but together, we can release the intensity in your body & mind, reducing that “charge” to zero.
If you’re someone who has tried “everything” and still feels stuck, is tired of negative thought patterns and emotional overload, and wants a holistic treatment approach, you’ve come to the right place. At Mindful Psychology, we can help you discover the origin of your distress and experience relief from emotional reactivity or numbness. If you are ready to move beyond traditional talk therapy, let’s connect. We're happy to chat before scheduling a paid appointment to see if we’re the best fit. If not, we can recommend other approaches that might work better for you.
600 Park Avenue Carriage House
Rochester, NY 14607
(585) 510-0015
Areas of Practice
Traumas come in all forms from big "T" traumas such as personal violence and exposure to war, to little "t" traumas like bullying and unexpected life transitions. Trauma affects the mind and body, with different healing needed for each. Intrusive reactions such as nightmares, flashbacks, and dissociation indicate full healing has not occurred.
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) stems from trauma and includes the experience of differentiated parts of self as well as amnesia. Understanding the system, improving internal communication, and relieving emotional distress are key aspects of treatment. Mindful Psychology has both training and experience working with DID.
Neurodivergence + lgbtq+
No matter why you are coming to therapy, it is important to be in a safe space where you feel 100% accepted for who you are. Whether your goal is to specifically explore aspects of your identity or simply ensure your practitioner is knowledgeable and accepting, Mindful Psychology strives to provide a safe space for all.
“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”
Let's Chat
Use the form below to contact us regarding scheduling, areas of practice, or providing workshops or training. Let us know what you are looking for and how we can help.
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For mental health emergencies, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.